
Welcome !  I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Keeping sane

Keeping sane

These are unprecedented times for everyone. I was recently asked how I keep focused and lead a purposeful life. Here are my practices. I hope you can draw some value and adopt one or more of these in your life:

Journaling: Since 2003 I have had a daily planner and get one every year. It keeps helps me write out the thoughts in my head and organize my time. It also serves as a great way to reflect on how I am spending my time and energy.

Meditation: I am a religious and spiritual person. I take the time to thank God for all that I have and pray for all that I would like to achieve. It truly helps me keep hopeful and brings a sense of peace to my life.

Intermittent fasting: Sine the lockdown in March, I realized I wasn’t moving as much and didn’t need 3 square meals a day. I decided to start intermittent fasting and it has been transformational! Consult your doctor or nutritionist to ensure it is the right fit for you.

Eating clean: No processed food for me! I may have a handful of potato chips once a month but I have made sure that I am feeding my family healthy, nutritious, and clean food! I have a spinach, yogurt, chia seed, and apple smoothie for lunch which is delicious. I think about the junk I used to eat and it makes my blood curdle!

Music: I am a bit late to the Spotify bandwagon but I have jumped on it! Nothing like a good playlist to focus on work, working out, enjoying the day, or unwinding. I highly recommend it!

If you are reading this… STAY HEALTHY, HAPPY, AND FOCUSED!

Keep Moving Forward

Keep Moving Forward

